Friday, April 9, 2010

egg hunt at the park

Our playgroup met at Mrs. Brandy's neighborhood park for a fun day. We played on the playground, went on the swings, rode our "bikes" in the parking lot, ate a yummy lunch, and hunted for eggs. What started as a rather chilly morning ended up being a really gorgeous day filled with lots of fun!

Here am I...ready to hunt! egg!

Here is a smile for Mommy. Thank goodness she took it when she did...right after I found my next egg (for a total of 3 at the time), I tripped on a scooter and fell on the sidewalk. I was fine physically, but I was apparently very distressed by it. So, I thought it would be fun to throw a fit for well over 10 minutes. Mommy disciplined me as I needed, but I kept going. But, I finally got over and enjoyed a yummy lunch...and came home with my 3 eggs. (My sister did pick the other 9 for me, which was really sweet, but Mommy says I won't be able to have those until later...) And, until I fell down, I had a great time hunting for eggs. And, I had such a fun morning before and after that, too! :)

"Sissy" had a blast hunting for was a windy day, but she found her 12 very quickly!

Averie loves hunting for eggs...and playing with her friends...

...and smiling for Mommy, too!

What a wonderful time with our very good friends. We are very thankful for our friends!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

finding the Easter baskets and more...

As tradition goes...each year, Daddy hides our Easter baskets somewhere in our home, and we each have to find our own basket. (Ok, this is Brady's first actually looking for his basket...) And, this year, we got to look for our baskets after bath we are in our jammies. Well, I found mine behind the chair in our office...can't you tell by my face...what fun!

Look what I Easter basket & me!

(Oh, don't you love my rosy cheeks and shoulders/arms? This is the result of swimming for 5 hours at my Oma's swimming pool. And, Mommy put sunscreen on my twice. But, I loved it!)

And, Brady found his Easter basket behind the chair in the family room. Of course, he didn't bring out the whole basket...just the ball he found on top. He came out from behind the chair saying, "Ball, Ball, Ball."

Brady going through his basket...and finding a monster truck...

...and a Diego DVD.

I had a Curious George DVD in my basket...

...and other goodies like books, a sticker book, and a coloring book...

...necklace/bead kit, socks, a pink rabbit, and a small bag of M&M's.

Brady with his new cell phone...calling Daddy & Oma, of course!

And, Brady enjoying his other basket goodies...balls, socks, small bag of skittles, stickers, and a green frog.

My Daddy & me

Me with my Easter goodies...of course, one of my faves was my cell phone. I have already made tons of "calls" on it.

And, a quick smile from Brady in between his many phone calls.

Check out Brady's lip. He busted it at Oma's house. He was walking around the pool...watching everyone swim...and he didn't look where he was going. And, boom, he ran into a rock, fell over, and bit down on his lip...uh oh! He also fell out of the sandbox and skinned his legs. He had a rough week of "injuries" ~ It's tough being a boy!! :)

Brady is still looking in the Easter eggs for some "andy" as he calls it! These were already empty! :)

But, he sure is cute!

Meanwhile, I was busy making calls, too...while I was watching a cartoon. I can definitely multi-task! :)

So, Brady joined me to watch a cartoon...

...and make a few phone calls!

Mommy wanted a picture of us together...but can you tell what we were both more interested in? Yes, the cartoon that was on tv!

Second try...we both looked!

Sure was a fun night with our family and finding our Easter baskets!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter. He is Risen...He is Risen Indeed!

We had such a wonderful Sunday celebrating our Risen Savior! Here we are...right before leaving for church!

Here we are at Uncle Todd & Aunt Helen's house. We had a yummy lunch here. Before lunch, though, we took a few pictures. Here are the VW granddaugthers...Kaitlyn, Stephanie, and me (Averie).

Oma with Brady & me

Oma & Brady

Oma & me (I was pretty excited about something!)

And, our family on Easter Sunday!

spring festivities

We celebrated Easter with Poppy, Nana, Uncle Blair, Aunt Blip Blip, and McKinly on the Saturday before Easter. We had an egg hunt, a yummy dinner, and we got to decorate and eat homemade cookies. It was a super fun evening with family!

Right before the festivities began, Daddy & Mommy received these gorgeous flowers that were delivered to our home. They were from Oma in memory of Opa...He loved celebrating Easter, and oh how we miss him on this first Easter without him. At least we know that Opa is celebrating our Risen Savior face to face this Easter! We sure do miss Opa, though, and we love him very much! What a beautiful reminder. Thanks to Oma!

Here am I...Brady Boy...ready for my first Easter egg hunt! Don't I look super excited? :)

Me & "Sissy" all ready to go!!

And, just Averie...with her basket!

Ok...gang's all here and ready...Averie, McKinly, & me...ready to hunt from some eggs!

Daddy helped me at first...showing me where the eggs could be hidden and how to put them in my basket!

I absolutely LOVED finding the eggs and putting them in my basket... was so fun!

I would even show them to Mommy or Daddy (or Poppy & Nana) as I picked one up...check out my smile! I was super excited!

More eggs to find...

...and lots of smiles to give!

Averie loved it, too.

She is really good at finding lots of eggs!

Meanwhile, I am still finding more eggs. This is so fun!

And, a picture with my Daddy & Averie. We love him so very much!

He's an awesome Daddy...and a great golf instructor! I get lessons all the time...

...and I love it!

I even get to slide with my golf club. I sure love being outside!

Well, it was time to come inside. After dinner, we were able to decorate spring shaped cookies that Mommy & Averie made from scratch. (Mommy took my shirt off so that I wouldn't get it messed up!) We each enjoyed putting our frosting on...and then putting the sprinkles/toppings of our choice on top of the frosting! Fun!

Here is McKinly...he loved the blue sprinkles!

But, for me...I liked the frosting. Mommy caught me licking it right off my plastic knife. Then, I'd look at her and say "mmm."

And, Averie...she liked it all, and she decorated a really nice butterfly shaped cookie!

After Mommy pried the knife from me, I focused on putting on sprinkles...

...and a few other toppings.

Then, it was time to eat it...

...mmm...good. This makes me smile big!

And, all this sugar made Averie have big eyes. She loved it!

What a wonderful evening with family!