Monday, July 16, 2007

While we were in Ohio, we went to the zoo. I LOVED it. The animals were so neat. I really enjoyed the ones that I could touch! I also loved the little train ride we took also. It was a wonderful day!
Here I am with my Daddy. It was fun to see the animals while on his shoulders!

I got to go in a little petting area. As you can tell from the look on my face and the way I am on my tippy toes, I was having a blast. Daddy would help me pet the animals gently, and then I just walked around and pet all the animals.
I also got to brush the animal's hair. That was really neat! (Oh, check out my tongue...)
Then, I got to ride on a pony. I have never done that before, and it was really fun.

Me with my Daddy & Mommy at the zoo. It was such a great day!

I got to pet a turtle while I was there. That was really cool!
I also got to feed birds some nectar. I enjoyed that also! The birds loved the nectar!
Here is a close up of me with the bird...and my Daddy holding me. If you look at my Daddy's shirt, you will notice a big wet spot on his shoulder. Well, while we were walking, a bird went "poo poo" on his shirt...Mommy laughed really hard, and I just smiled and said, "poo poo."
It was such a long day, and I had a great time, but I was so tired at the end. This is what happens when you go to the zoo!!

I just got back from my long weekend trip to Ohio. We went to see my Daddy's extended side of the family and see Mommy's cousin get married. It was so fun. I got to see my Great Grandma and Great Gramps again, and then I got to meet my Great Mamaw and my Great Aunts and Great Uncle for the first time. I also got to go to the zoo.
Below is a picture of me with my Great Mamaw...she loved to blow me kisses and I liked sharing my lollipop with her!

This is me with my Great Aunt Cookie. I loved saying her name ("tookie") and hearing her laugh at everything I do!

Here I am with my Great Aunt Deb. She and my second cousin, Sara, took me swimming at my hotel while my Daddy and Mommy went to the wedding. We had fun together.

This is me with my Great Uncle Gene. I really enjoyed shoving Cheerios in his mouth even though he really didn't want any. It sure made him and everyone else laugh, so I just kept on doing it. He was fun!

And, here I am below with my Great Grandma and Great Gramps. They took me to a restaraunt that my Daddy loved. They have this fun dog, Maggie, that I sure loved following around and playing with. They are so nice!

I love to cook in my kitchen. I put on my apron (with Daddy or Mommy's help) and cook or play with my plates and food. It's so much fun!

I tried a lollipop for the first time, and it was really good!

Friday, July 6, 2007


Check out the sign in our front yard...SOLD!

Yes, our house sold, so we'll be living with my Opa & Oma while our other home is being built...we should be moved out of our home by the end of July and in the new house around October! We'll keep you updated.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Last week, I had RSV, and I was so pitiful. All I wanted to do was sleep, but I tried to play. So, I walked over to my toy basket and just laid my head down on the blanket that was on top and just fell asleep. Yes, I was sleeping in my squatting position...that's how tired and sick I was. But, my Daddy & Mommy took good care of me, and I am all better now!

Happy 4th of July!!

(I am sitting by the windmill at my Opa & Oma's...this is not my front yard!!) :)

My shirt says, "Little Firecracker," and that is exactly what I can be :)

Mommy & Me...

I had such a fun day. I played with some of my friends at Opa & Oma's pool...I sure love the water. Then, I got to spend time with my Nana & Poppy that night.

Daddy & Me...we had so much fun together in the pool. I love jumping in all the time and trying to swim...check out my smile!

Here, my Mommy told me to close my mouth while I I did the best I could! I just love being in the pool!

Check out my lips!!

The Karaffa's ~ July 2007

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Sprinkler...

I got to try out my sprinkler today, and I loved it. It was so fun to watch the water go everywhere. I wasn't really sure what to do, so I just ran around and tried to "catch" the water! It was so exciting for me!

When the water would hit me, i would just keep running!

Havin' fun! Oh, check out my tongue...

After I got used to it, I would try to drink the water...not sure why I had to hold my tongue out that far, but it was yummy!

Sprinklers sure are fun!