Monday, September 21, 2009

a major milestone...

So...I (Averie) did something that made Daddy & Mommy super excited. I wrote my name for the first time. I have known how to spell it for quite some time, but not how to write it. But, we've been working on writing some of the letters of the alphabet, but nothing too major. So, on Sunday, I wanted to make Daddy a card. I decorated it, then Mommy wrote "I love you, Daddy." Then, she drew a heart for "love." Then, she told me to try to write my name myself. (I don't think she was thinking I would really do it, huh? :)) So, I wrote the "A, v, e..." then, I asked Mommy how to make a "r." She showed me on another piece of people...drawing the line and then the hump. So, I copied it on my card for Daddy. She did the same thing for the "i," and then I did the "e" by myself. I looked at and said, "There, it says Averie." Mommy was super excited. We showed Daddy and then Mommy had to take a picture of it, of course. So, there it first time ever writing my name. Pretty exciting, huh?

Before Daddy & Mommy blink, I'll be driving a car, right? :)

great aunt cookie...ohio bound

So, our Great Aunt Cookie has been living here in Charlotte for the past 6 months, and we have loved seeing her so much. She always makes us laugh...and she loves playing with us. But, she needed to be back in Ohio with Great Mamaw, so we took her to dinner (twice) as her "going away" party. The first dinner was at The Melting Pot. She had wanted to go there while she lived here, so the grown-ups went one night. (Well, McKinly went at first, but he only lasted 15 minutes before Uncle Blair had to take him home!) She loved it...the cheese, salad, meats, veggies, and chocolate...all fondue! Yummy!
Here is the group shot (Aunt Blip Blip took the picture...before McKinly went home!)

2nd group shot

Nana (on the right) with her sister, Great Aunt Cookie

Aunt Blip Blip, Poppy, & Daddy

Daddy & Mommy
Then, Great Aunt Cookie wanted to spend time with us, too, so we all went to Red Robin for dinner another night. That was a lot of fun. So, here are with Great Aunt Cookie...Brady, me, & McKinly
Daddy with Great Aunt Cookie, Brady, & Me
Then, one with Mommy & us
I asked Mommy if I could take a picture of Brady, so she let me...this is what I got. Not too bad for a beginner photographer! :)
Then, there's me...with my new thing...silly faces! They sure made Great Aunt Cookie laugh!
We will miss Great Aunt Cookie, but we sure hope to see her soon!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

double birthday fun

We celebrated Mommy & Nana's birthdays with a yummy dinner at 131 Main...and cupcakes afterwards at our house. Nana is 1 day (& just a couple years) older than Mommy, so we love celebrating them together!

We all got to eat a cupcake (the grandkids, that is!), and we all had a silly icing mustache on our is McKinly's...

...and Brady's icing mustache (also sporting a new, very short haircut)...

...and my icing mustache...

Happy Birthday, Nana & Mommy!

averie's 1st day

I (Averie) started my first day back to preschool this past Wednesday. I LOVE it! My teachers are a lot of fun, and I have some of the same friends in my class from last year. The day before I started school, Mommy, Brady, & I went shopping...I got to pick out my "first day of school" outfit. Then, we went to get my hair cut...first time in a long time. She cut about 4-5 inches off my hair. Mommy & Daddy say it looks "super cute." Then, we met Daddy for lunch, and that night, I helped Mommy get my backpack and lunchbox ready. Wednesday morning, I was super excited about going...after breakfast, Mommy took a few pics, and we were out the door!

Outside my preschool
With Mommy in my classroom
I had a really fun first day back to preschool.

will wear panther jersey (proudly) for free food

On Labor Day, Chic-Fil-A was offering free chicken sandwiches for anyone wearing a team jersey. So, we PROUDLY wore our Panther jerseys...and enjoyed very yummy chic-fil-a sandwiches for dinner...and some play time in the play area. I (Brady) am quite a big eater, so I enjoyed 1 1/2 of the chicken (no bread), and Averie had the other 1/2. We also enjoyed some yummy fruit with our meal also! Averie
Averie & I were playing together and fell. We both started laughing, but only Averie was still laughing when Mommy pulled the camera out!
We love Chic-Fil-A...and we love our Panthers!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

and to the outer banks we go...

Hi Everyone ~ We just recently got back from another traveling adventure...The Outer Banks (OBX). We went with Poppy, Nana, Uncle Blair, Aunt Brittany, McKinly, & our Daddy & Mommy. We had such a fun time. Enjoy all the pictures! We love you!

These are some of Mommy's faves from the trip. We took these on our last day there...just my little brother & me!

Me...Averie Grace ~ 3 1/2 years old

Brady Joseph ~ 13 months old

OBX ~ day 4

We had some great weather on Wednesday, so we headed to the beach again...Brady was ready to play in the sand right away!

He LOVES his yellow shovel...he played with it or carried it on the beach practically the entire week! (Remember it from our Myrtle Beach trip?)

Me playing in the sand too...

...I was building a "pyramid."

Having fun running through the was so cold, but I didn't care!

But, Brady...with his trusty yellow shovel...just walked along the edge of the water. Not quite ready to frolick in the water! :)

Once he sat in the sand again, Brady found a new "friend," the rake.

But, he didn't like te sand that got in his mouth as a result of putting the rake in his mouth :)

So, he moved onto the football...Daddy was very proud!

High-fives with Daddy!

Daddy & Brady

Mommy & Brady

Mommy & Me

Dadddy & Me

Poppy taking Brady to the water to play!

I went to the water's edge also, but I went to hunt for seashells...something I really love to do at the beach!
Mommy came with me to hunt. We found some pretty shells!

Another fun day here at the OBX!