Monday, September 21, 2009

a major milestone...

So...I (Averie) did something that made Daddy & Mommy super excited. I wrote my name for the first time. I have known how to spell it for quite some time, but not how to write it. But, we've been working on writing some of the letters of the alphabet, but nothing too major. So, on Sunday, I wanted to make Daddy a card. I decorated it, then Mommy wrote "I love you, Daddy." Then, she drew a heart for "love." Then, she told me to try to write my name myself. (I don't think she was thinking I would really do it, huh? :)) So, I wrote the "A, v, e..." then, I asked Mommy how to make a "r." She showed me on another piece of people...drawing the line and then the hump. So, I copied it on my card for Daddy. She did the same thing for the "i," and then I did the "e" by myself. I looked at and said, "There, it says Averie." Mommy was super excited. We showed Daddy and then Mommy had to take a picture of it, of course. So, there it first time ever writing my name. Pretty exciting, huh?

Before Daddy & Mommy blink, I'll be driving a car, right? :)


Tonya said...

Good job, Averie! I know your Mommy & Daddy are very proud of you! :)

Eadie said...

Well, I'm pretty amazed! That is great!