Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter Everyone!

Today, on Easter Sunday, I got to wear my pretty Easter dress that my Oma (grandmother) bought me. We went to church, had lunch with Poppy, Nana, Uncle Blair, & Aunt Brittany, and then we had dinner with Opa, Oma, & most of my uncles, aunts, and cousins on my Mommy's side. It was a great day!

And, of course, my Mommy had to take me outside for some pictures in my dress.

And, I learned to say, "He is Risen."

I was pretty excited about this being one of the last pictures :) That's my really big smile!! :)

Fun Days at Home

While my Mommy dries her hair in the morning, I usually just play. But, lately, I have taken a liking to being beside her, looking in the mirror and brushing my own hair. I also put hair "plips" (clips) in my hair also. Mommy thinks it's adorable...plus, it keeps my busy! :)
And, of course, while she is taking my picture, I decided to have a new smile...one eye open and the other closed...whatcha' think? :) Aren't I just so cute?
Check this out...Daddy & Mommy got me a playground for my backyard. I LOVE IT! I swing on it all the time. In fact, every morning and after every nap, I wake up and ask my Mommy, "Is my playground still here?" She's not sure why I always ask, but I am always VERY excited when she says, "Yes, it's still here." It's so much fun! Come over and play anytime!
And, of course, I just learned what a "pouty" lip was...I only use it when I am being silly with Daddy & Mommy. Isn't it too cute? It's a shame that it doesn't work to get things :)
Me & my Mommy!!
And, me, my Mommy, and Miss Joy (she spent this past Saturday with us, and we had fun!)

Another Egg Hunt

Egg hunts have become one of my favorite things right now. So, when my Uncle Abe & Aunt Cindi had an egg hunt at their home about a week ago, I was so excited. I took my basket and excitedly ran around picking up eggs. Most of the time, I would try to look inside, but then Mommy would encourage me to pick up all the eggs first, then we could look inside them. It was a fun day!

Picking up the eggs!
What yummy treat is in here for me?
I think I could be a professional egg hunter! :)
Happy Me after the egg hunt!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My "Big Girl" Bed

Well, my Daddy & Mommy have told me that I would have to start sleeping in my "big girl" bed in my "big girl" room soon so that I can share my crib with the baby. I wasn't sure what to think at first. You see, this bed has been in my "big girl" room for a few months now...all made up and ready for me. But, the only thing I have done is jump on it. So, this past weekend, my Daddy put the rails on my bed, and my Mommy told me that it was time to try and take a nap in it today. They weren't sure what was going to happen in that bed today with sweet 2 year old me, but I did great! I read for a few minutes (Goodnight Moon is such a great book!), and then I drifted off to sleep...
So, the first few pictures are of me getting in my bed for the first time with the sheets back (& not jumping on it!!)...and the last few pictures are how Mommy found me just a few minutes later. I think that she hopes that it'll always be this easy for me to go to bed, but I doubt that. I am only 2!!! :) :) (Oh, by the way, do you like my "big girl" room and my "big girl" bed? I love it!)

Look at me...all ready for bed!

Sleeping so peacefully!

Egg Hunt

For playgroup this week, we had our egg hunt. I wasn't really sure what to expect when I saw Mommy (& the other Mommies) throwing a bunch of eggs into our backyard, but it was so much fun. I had the best time running around picking up as many eggs as I could find.
Here I am...ready to go!
So, once the Mommies said "go," it was off to look for some eggs to fill up my basket.
Here's one!!
And, look...another one. This is so fun!

Checking out my goodies...
And, showing one to my Mommy! I was so excited. I was even more excited when I found out what was in them...candy, sidewalk chalk, hairbows, and more!
Mommy & Me!
I'm going in to eat some candy!

Happy Spring, Everyone!

Making Cookies with My Daddy

One night after dinner, "my Daddy" (as I always call him) & I made "putcakes." He thought it would be LOTS of fun, and it sure was. We had the best time together!
I watched Daddy crack the first egg. Then, he let me do one all by myself. It was a mess, but it was really fun!
Look at me...I am having SO much fun!
Then, it was time to pour the cake mix in and then mix up all the ingredients.
Here I am...stirring away.
I couldn't quite stir fast enough, so we pulled out the hand mixer, and that was fun helping Daddy with that also!
We put the "putcakes" in the oven, and Daddy let me stand on a chair to watch them bake.
Here we are...just waiting for them to finish.
After we got them out of the oven and let them cool (I wasn't very patient for that part! :)), Daddy helped me put frosting on my first "putcake."
Then, it was time to choose the sprinkles...my favorite part!
I watched them as closely as I could when they came out of the jar.
Here it is...me & my first "I made it putcake."
Then, it was my turn to try it all by myself. (Yes, that meant I got to have 2 "putcakes"...what a night!) Check out my tongue as I concentrate really hard on that frosting.
Well, I finished decorating my "putcake" and Daddy finished his, so it was time to enjoy! (Oh, yeah, Mommy also got to decorate and eat 2 "putcakes" as well...one for her and one for the baby!) I had SO much fun...
I always lick the frosting/sprinkles off first.


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Park, Monkey Joes, and at home!

Look, I've learned how to pedal my bike. Of course, I learned this because I am going downhill and the pedals move themselves. Hey, I'm still learning, but I am getting there! :) Daddy & Mommy walked while I rode my bike all the way to the park. (Notice the parent handle on the back of my bike...well, they did have to push me some...I was so tired from all the pedaling :) :))

When we got to the park, I went straight for the rock climbing wall. (Of course, this was after my initial disappointment that there were no swings at this park!) I had a lot of fun!

"Look at me." That is what I always say when I am doing something exciting. (Thanks, Daddy, for holding me up!)
Then, for playgroup this past Tuesday, I got to go to Monkey Joe's. It was SO fun.
Sliding is one of my favorite things to do.
Here I am...having SO much fun!
So, this rock climbing wall was also fun (like at the park!). The best thing about this one is the fast slide on the other side.

I even sat in this toy (that moves with money) even though I had no money!
Towards the end of the morning, I got pretty daring and would slide down on my belly. It was great fun.
Check out this look...I did it all by myself....backwards hat, big purse, and working on my letters.
Havin' fun & lookin' good :)
Have a wonderful week!!