Wednesday, October 12, 2011

8 months old...

Could this face be any sweeter?

Our baby brother, Brecken, is already 8 months old. The months go by so quickly, but it's so fun to see him learning new things. This past month was a lot of "first"...crawling, pulling up to stand, making "ma ma" and "da da" sounds. He's very busy baby now...always want to explore everywhere...and put everything in his mouth. Brecken is a very good baby...and he's always smiling at us. We are good siblings to him!!

Big Brother, Brady and Baby Brother, Brecken
Fun stats:
  • Brecken weighs about 25-26 pounds.
  • He goes to bed around 9, and he gets up around 7:30.
  • Brecken takes 2 naps each day.
  • Brecken loves to beans, sweet potatoes, and fruit are his faves!
  • Brecken has 4 teeth...2 on the top & 2 on the bottom.

disney on ice

As a surprise, my Daddy & Mommy took me (& Aunt Helen took Kaitlyn & Stephanie) to see Disney on Ice. I had the best time. We started our evening with dinner at Pike's. Then, we road the light rail to Time Warner Arena where we saw all the Disney princesses dancing on ice. My favorite part was Rapunzel. It was such a fun night.

Here I am with Kaitlyn & Stephanie...
My Daddy & me
Mommy & me...and, as another surprise, Daddy got us front row seats. I even got a wave from a few of the characters!!
Big night out with Daddy & Mommy
My faves...Rapunzel and Flynn
Such a great show!
I had such a fun night...Daddy & Mommy sure loved taking their little princess to see the Disney Princesses!

happy birthday, daddy

We LOVE celebrating birthdays in our family. And, on October 4, we got to celebrate Daddy. We showered him with lots of love, his favorite pumpkin cupcakes, dinner at his favorite restaurant, and a few presents to open. He loved his special day!

Daddy & me
Daddy & his Brady Boy
Daddy with 2 of his favorite people...Brecken was napping during this time, so he got to take his picture with Daddy on another day!
We love you very much, Daddy. Happy Birthday to our hero!

star student

I (Averie) got to be "star student" for the week at school. So, I got to bring in my favorite books, a few "show and tell" items, and a few other fun things. I also got to fill out the following paper. Mommy would read me the sentences, and I would tell her what I wanted to say. She wrote my answers on an index card, and then I transferred that information onto the paper. Mommy just loved it, so she took a picture of it. Hope you can read it as well! I had a lot of fun filling it out...and being the "star student."

splish the big bathtub

Now that big Brecken is sitting up so well, Mommy can bathe him in the big bathtub now. He LOVES it...and it's so much easier for Mommy to give him a bath! He loves to laugh and splash in the water...
Look at the big boy in the big bathtub!

Happy Boy loves bathtime!

Such sweet hands!
And, of course...everything goes into his mouth!
Brecken sure loves the bath...and we love watching & helping!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

discovery place kids...round 2

Brecken loved Discovery Place Kids so much that Mommy took him (& me, Brady) back for another time of water fun! He had a blast!
Water fun at DPK!

While Brecken played, my cousin, McKinly, and I played on the firetruck and on the play set. We love Discovery Place Kids...& each other.
Brecken soaked himself with all the splashing, but he loved it!

He loved the water toys also!
Sometimes when he smiles, his tongue comes right out as well. It's adorable!

Happy Brecken enjoying the water fun!

standing man...

On Sunday, October 2, Brecken decided to pull himself up and stand up. He was so proud of himself, and Daddy was excited to be able to be home to see it for the first time.
Way to go, Brecken!
(Don't you just love how his tongue is out in both pictures? He does that when he's really excited!!)

sweet, busy boy...

Our sweet, busy Brecken has learned to crawl...and now...
...he's all over the place. He sure loves to explore!
And, he loves to play with all his toys at a "different angle." He's almost ready to pull himself up to stand...for now, he's content with sitting adorably on his knees!
Happy Brecken!
Exploring in his room!

first time at discovery place kids

Brecken's first time playing at discovery place kids...
...and he loved it!

happy birthday to mommy!

Happy Birthday to our Mommy...and thanks to Oma for taking this picture with her phone!
We loved making Mommy a cake...
...& eating it, too!
Happy Birthday, Mommy. We love you!