Then, I tried it all by myself...but, when I did it by myself, I would just throw the food on the ground!
Then, I just talked to the water buffalo while Daddy fed him!
Here we all are...a group shot of me with my friends from playgroup.
Here are a few of us with some pumpkins...aren't we just so cute?
My shirt was appropriate for the day...I do love horses...what a great day it was!
On October 4, my Daddy turned 30. Since Mommy had already taken him to Niagara Falls as a surprise trip (see pictures below), we just celebrated at lunch with some of my uncles, aunts, & cousins at Olive Garden. That night, Mommy and I took Daddy out to dinner at Red Rocks. It was a great day!
Before bedtime, Daddy read me a book. I love to have people read books to me and sing to me. Right now, I love "Jesus Loves Me" and "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." And, I love all books!
When Daddy & Mommy got back from Niagara Falls, they brought me a present. So, here I am closing my eyes as I await my surprise... ...It was an Elmo doll! I loved it.