Friday, December 4, 2009

it's a playgroup christmas par-tay!

So, our playgroup started with me (Averie) and 2 of my friends, Thomas & Brock. Since the start of it in January 2006, we have gotten to be quite a large group. We try to get together a few times a month at various locations (park, pool, Chick-Fil-A, etc.), but around major holidays, we try to have a big party. So, for Christmas, we invited everyone to our house for our annual playgroup Christmas party. Almost everyone got to be there...and we had 17 children and 9 Mommies. It was a really fun, crazy morning! But, we had a great time! Enjoy the hilarious group picture...some not looking, some screaming, and some smiling!

We draw names for our gift exchange, and we had fun opening our gifts...

I got a Polly Pocket from my friend, Tucker...

And, Brady... a lego truck from his buddy, Marcus. Sure was a fun morning!

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