Thursday, June 28, 2012

poor little nose

So...tough day for me!
While having a playdate at my Uncle Todd & Aunt Helen's house, I was running around their basement.  I didn't see a toy by the steps, tripped over it, and landed nose first on their wooden staircase.  At first, only a little blood came out...and some tears!  But, about 5 minutes later, the bridge of my nose turned purple & green.  After Daddy coming to look at it and talking to a doctor over the phone, Mommy took me the ER.  A few x-rays and such later, it was (surprisingly!) not broken.  Either way, it was just going to be a few days of bruising and swelling...and then finally healing!  But, those first few days, I looked really rough!  But, thankfully, I handled it well, and now, I am all better!

Here I am at the can see the purple around the bridge of my nose...and the green and swelling all around it...
And...this is me the next morning...OUCH!!  The swelling went over my eyes in some spots, but I was still smiling.  Just felt weird, so I am glad it lasted only 5 days! After that, I was good as new!  Yay!
My poor little all better!


Tonya said...

Wow! That looks like it hurt! You are very brave Averie. Glad you are better and that it's wasn't broken.

Tonya said...
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Brittany said...

OMG bless her heart!!!