Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My "Big Girl" Bed

Well, my Daddy & Mommy have told me that I would have to start sleeping in my "big girl" bed in my "big girl" room soon so that I can share my crib with the baby. I wasn't sure what to think at first. You see, this bed has been in my "big girl" room for a few months now...all made up and ready for me. But, the only thing I have done is jump on it. So, this past weekend, my Daddy put the rails on my bed, and my Mommy told me that it was time to try and take a nap in it today. They weren't sure what was going to happen in that bed today with sweet 2 year old me, but I did great! I read for a few minutes (Goodnight Moon is such a great book!), and then I drifted off to sleep...
So, the first few pictures are of me getting in my bed for the first time with the sheets back (& not jumping on it!!)...and the last few pictures are how Mommy found me just a few minutes later. I think that she hopes that it'll always be this easy for me to go to bed, but I doubt that. I am only 2!!! :) :) (Oh, by the way, do you like my "big girl" room and my "big girl" bed? I love it!)

Look at me...all ready for bed!

Sleeping so peacefully!

1 comment:

Erin & Gary said...

Aww, Rose. She looks so little in that bed! How sweet!