Monday, November 16, 2009

just havin' some fun...

Since Mommy has been baking lots of cupcakes in preparation for my (Averie's) friend and family celebrations, Brady has been super interested in the oven. As you can see, he knows exactly what to do...get the oven mitt on and take out the yummy food!
The food is ready...
...and Brady is pointing to what he "made" (And, for all of you who may be worried that I would let my son open the hot's not on...and there is nothing in there!) He loved it!
Here is a picture of me with the spider hat I made at preschool. Isn't just adorable?
And, we were having lunch at Opa & Oma's a few Saturdays ago, and I wanted to color them a picture. I asked Daddy & Mommy how to spell their Daddy told me, and I wrote it. Yes, here it is! :) (Oh, I did have help with the flowers...)
Daddy helping Brady color!

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