Thursday, March 25, 2010

the first visit to the dentist

One of Mommy's big fears is going to the dentist. So, she kindly avoided taking me (Averie) until Daddy offered to do so. (Daddy loves going to the dentist so he didn't mind at all!) So, Mommy took Brady & me to the park until Daddy could meet us to take me to the dentist. I was nervous going to the dentist at first, but Daddy said I did a great job. Maybe one day, Mommy will take me, too! :) Enjoy the pics!
Before we left the park, Mommy took a few pics of me...
Here is my "sassy" pose...aren't I just too cute? :)

While Mommy was taking my picture, Brady kept saying, "Mamma, cheese." So, Mommy took a few pictures of him showing his content face...

...and the other one of his big "cheese."

Daddy & I arrived at the dentist office, and I had quite the fear going on...

Do I look nervous?

But, once the dentist walked in, introduced himself (He said his name was Tom, and I told him that Tom was the same name as my Opa...He liked that, especially since he knew my Opa...he was Opa's dentist also!), and told me that I'd get a treat bag, I happily did what he asked. Afterwards, Daddy took one last picture of me...all smiles!

It was a good first visit to the dentist!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

girl's night out

Guess what? I (Averie, of course) got to go with Mommy on her girl's night out this past week. I was super excited, especially when I saw Joy walk in the door to come along. I had no idea what we were going to do, I was just excited to go along with them. Here is Mommy and me...

...and Joy & me...

...and Joy & Mommy. (Yes, I took this picture. I am getting pretty good at this :))

We headed out in the snow...and our first stop was the nail salon. Yes, I was going to get my very first professional pedicure. You know, a "pedi." :) I was obviously SUPER excited!

Of course, when the nail tech walked up, I was a little surprised...he was a boy! Before Mommy could stop me, I said, "'re a boy. Boys don't paint nails!" It was too funny! I was pretty surprised the whole time that he painted my nails and everything. I also told him that my Daddy would never do that. Of course, by the end, I was ready for Daddy to come in and paint his toe nails blue since it was a boy color. That's okay, right? :) :)

The nail tech rubbed my legs with lotion...of course, I wanted to help him. Why not? This made Mommy & Joy laugh as I leaned over and helped him rub my legs. It made the nail tech laugh also!

I loved the pink polish..

...and I was having such a great time!

Of course, while we there, I also had a very fast manicure...just to match my toes.

All finished...and looking at my nails.
Oh, and then as a special treat, a lady nail tech came over and painted a flower and glitter on my toe nails also. It was adorable!

One final "blow" to make sure they are dry enough so I can move to sit under the "heater."

Aren't I just too cute in my "flip flops" and painted nails? I loved it!
Joy & me...under the heater!
Just first girl's night out. I could get used to this! :)
And, since it was my first girl's night with Mommy and Joy...and since I am one good, adorable, convincing 4 year old, I got Joy & Mommy to get their toes done just like and purple. Isn't it so cute?
We enjoyed a super yummy dinner at "big fire" afterwards, and I enjoyed eating noodles and steak! What a great night!

a work of art...

On our last snowy day, Mommy got out the easel and paints and let us create some artwork. Averie was really excited, and I (Brady) wasn't sure what to think...if it excited Averie this much, I knew I'd love it! I had to wear a smock since I like to color or paint anywhere that I can get to, including my clothes, my face, the kitchen chairs, the walls...wherever! So, here I am...making my first work of art with paint!
Havin' some fun...
...and using lots of green and yellow. Daddy & Mommy aren't sure if I am going to be left-handed just yet, but I do like to use that hand more often than my right hand! I had fun painting...
...and so did Averie! She painted way longer than I did.
Red was her favorite color choice...
...and she smiled almost the entire time. So much fun!
Just painting away while the snow falls outside!
Averie's finished work of art...
...and my work of art.

Sure was a fun morning painting. Of course, while Averie was still painting, I decided to race cars in the kitchen, be silly, and laugh. We had fun!

brady boy's 18 month pictures...a little late!

Time got the best of us...and we never got the chance to get my (Brady) 18 month "professional" pictures done. So, Mommy became the "professional" and only 4 weeks late :) Here are some of my pics from that day...
Oh, and no major news to share. I am just a big boy, a very happy boy (usually), I love to eat, I love to sleep, and really love to play. I love cars, balls, and carbs right now. They all make me happy. But, none make me happier than seeing my Daddy. He is the apple of my eye right now...and he loves it, too! I am very thankful for our family!

Enjoy the mini "photo shoot" of me!

(This was about halfway through...and as you can tell, I was ready to be done!) :)

And, this one was taken indoors...after Mommy took my sweater vest off and we were just hanging out...

Happy 18 months. Oh, and just for the record, I am 20 months now...just a little behind on the "photo shoot" and blogging for my Mommy!