Wednesday, March 3, 2010

brady boy's 18 month pictures...a little late!

Time got the best of us...and we never got the chance to get my (Brady) 18 month "professional" pictures done. So, Mommy became the "professional" and only 4 weeks late :) Here are some of my pics from that day...
Oh, and no major news to share. I am just a big boy, a very happy boy (usually), I love to eat, I love to sleep, and really love to play. I love cars, balls, and carbs right now. They all make me happy. But, none make me happier than seeing my Daddy. He is the apple of my eye right now...and he loves it, too! I am very thankful for our family!

Enjoy the mini "photo shoot" of me!

(This was about halfway through...and as you can tell, I was ready to be done!) :)

And, this one was taken indoors...after Mommy took my sweater vest off and we were just hanging out...

Happy 18 months. Oh, and just for the record, I am 20 months now...just a little behind on the "photo shoot" and blogging for my Mommy!

1 comment:

Nathan, Trisha, Thomas, Henry, and Caroline said...

Your kids are SO adorable!! I love seeing the pictures of them! :)