Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fountain Fun

Hi Everyone ~ Here I (Brady) am for the first time at the fountains at Birkdale. I finally was able to get in my bathing suit and play in the water. And, as some of you know, I was pretty sick last week, and since I am feeling better, Mommy took Averie & me to the fountains for some fun in the water...and a bagged lunch. Afterwards, we got to enjoyed some gelato as a special treat!
Here I am...really concentrating on what the other kids were doing. See my tongue? :)
They were so funny...I was just laughing at them!
Then, a big smile for Mommy, of course!
Then, Averie helping me fill my cup...
She loves the fountains too!
Then, I found this cool "water hole," so I thought I'd put my finger in it...soon realizing that water sprayed out of there!
Then, I used our tupperware lid to put on the water....
This was so fun...
...until I turned my lid the wrong way & sprayed myself completely in the face...
I quickly learned how to turn it the "right" way so I wouldn't get sprayed!
Then, I tried my hand...that was fun!
I was so tired...i crawled over the the bench and just laid my head down on Averie's towel. I exerted a lot of energy!! :)
Then, Averie had some fun with the water...who knew that an empty water bottle and piece of tupperware could be so much fun?

She also had fun running through the fountains...
...and smiling for Mommy!
What a fun way to spend our morning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see that you are feeling better Brady! Your Aunt Brittany keeps me updated on you and your big sis! I will continue to pray that God helps you heal quickly and completely!