Sunday, May 30, 2010

one sweet littly boy...

Before heading out to Oma's house for lunch, Mommy found me upstairs "reading" books with Elmo. I love looking at animal books and making all the sounds for the ones I know. It's so fun!

Then, I decided to show the book Elmo also...he's one of my buddies!

Of course, then Mommy had to stop and take a lot more pictures of me! (Here I am with my blankie that I got from Uncle Michael & Aunt Courtney when I was born!)

I found some more books to, fun!

And, at the very end of this book tells everyone to stay very quiet while the animals went to sleep. So, I showed Mommy what she & Daddy do when they read it to me...say "sh"

Then, I started reading another book...

...and told those animals to "sh"

I decided to sit in the rocking chair and continue reading...

...and take a few more pictures for Mommy!

Sometimes, I have a really hard time keeping my eyes open when I am smiling for pictures...hee hee!

But, I did better smiling when I was going downstairs...maybe that's because I knew I was going to eat, which I love to do!

And, one more big smile...because I am just one sweet little boy!

precious works of art...

I (Averie) love to color. Plain and simple. It's fun! Well, the day that Mommy took us to see Opa's headstone, I wanted to color some pictures when we got home. So, Mommy gave me some markers and plain paper, and I just started to color. After I finished, I showed Mommy my first picture...It's a picture of Opa & Oma with me in the middle. Then, I told Mommy, "This is way it should be and the way I want it (with Opa and Oma both here), and it's not." So, I am missing my Opa a lot, but I am glad that I get to still see my Oma all the time. Then, we decided to give this picture to Oma so that she could have it. She loved it!

(Note: Mommy loves the way I am drawing people now. They have hair, eyes, a nose, and a mouth...with their legs coming out of their mouth...too cute!)

Then, I drew one more's my family. I am the purple one, Brady is the blue one, Mommy is the red/yellow one, and Daddy is the colorful one with black hair! I love my family!

Mommy calls these my precious works of art...and I enjoyed drawing them!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

reality is not always easy...

We can't believe it will be 5 months tomorrow since Opa went to Heaven, but we still miss him so very much. Mommy took us to his gravesite today. Brady kept saying "Opa, Opa" and wanting to give him a hug and kiss. I just sat there looking. Then, after a few minutes, Mommy asked if I wanted to talk about why I was sad. So, I said to Mommy, "I'm sad because I wish Opa would have never died. I know he has a new healthy body in Heaven now, but I just want him down here alive. I miss him." When I looked at Mommy, she had tears streaming down her face. I didn't mean to make her cry, but I was really sad. It was good to talk about Opa and some fun memories we shared with him. Then, we found the word "Opa" on his headstone, said a little prayer, and came back home to face our reality. It's not always an easy one to face, but our God is good, and He is our strength forever!

We love and miss you, Opa!

Friday, May 14, 2010

discovery place fun

While "Sissy" was in preschool, Mommy took me (Brady) to Discovery Place with her very good friend, Mrs. Dorothy and her twin girls, Reece & Lucy. We had the best time. And, I got Mommy all to myself! Here I am...getting ready to have some serious fun at this water table!

I love playing with water...filling up watering cans...

...playing in the sprayers...

...and shooting the water guns.

My girlfriends and me...Reece is on my left and Lucy is on my right!

Lucy & I had fun playing with magnetic shapes.

And, I enjoyed all the other gadgets.

This was the biggest lego board I have ever played with...

...and it was so much fun!

Just my Mommy and me

They brought out a REALLY big lizard for us to see and pet.

I really enjoyed that, too.

When the "pet instructor" was talking about the lizard, I got very concerned. I am obsessed about whether or not any animals bite, so I asked her. (I just put my finger in my mouth and ask "Bite"?) This is my very concerned face. I was relieved to find out that they don't bite.

So, then I could pet the lizard again.

Just having a little chat with my friend, Lucy! (We are 9 days apart!)

Then, it was time to head back to the water table for a few more minutes of play before lunch. I walked right over there, obviously very thirsty, so I just leaned over and took a drink...

...and another drink!

My friends came to join me as we quenched our thirst! :) (Yes, Mommy & Mrs. Dorothy did tell us to stop...and yes, they told us there were germs on there!)

So, this was our last "sip."

Well...just one more for me!

I loved this place & playing with my much fun! Can't wait to come back!

a little of this and a little of that...

Playing at the park with my cousin, McKinly...

and giving our mischevious grins!

Averie got to take swim lessons for 4 weeks, and she loved it...
She is a great swimmer!

And, here is Averie with her birthday card for her preschool teacher, Mrs. Betty. She wrote out "Happy Birthday" and "Averie" (Mommy did the heart) and she traced it with colored pens. She did great with it!

A close-up view

And, look what Oma makes me do when I go to her house...schoolwork! Just kidding. Oma & I always have fun together. I just pulled this out and started "working."

fun in the sun...

Spring is a great time of year...on this rather warm morning, Mommy filled up our water table, and we had so much fun.
We filled up and dumped out lots and lots of water.

Sweet Averie ~ 4 years old

"Sissy" took a turn splashing in the water.

Me, Precious Brady ~ 22 months old

Ready to water a few plants...or just the ground...

...or maybe just clean her scooter!

Of course, then it was my turn to fill up a watering can, but I used it to water the mulch :)

I also rode my bike while we were outside. And, since Averie always wears a helmet when she rides her bike, I insist on wearing mine when I ride my bike.

Then, I took my turn splashing in the water, but of course, I had to keep my head protected :)

We also blew bubbles...Averie does a great job with it...

...I think I may use to much force when I blow. :) I also think they should make fruit flavored bubbles...this tasted gross!

So, we moved on to sidewalk chalk. Making marks anywhere on the that's my kind of fun!

Averie loves to make letters and draw faces...

...I just make any kind of line...

...with any color I choose!
But, I have a lot of fun doing it!

We sure had a ton of fun in the sun...