Tuesday, May 18, 2010

reality is not always easy...

We can't believe it will be 5 months tomorrow since Opa went to Heaven, but we still miss him so very much. Mommy took us to his gravesite today. Brady kept saying "Opa, Opa" and wanting to give him a hug and kiss. I just sat there looking. Then, after a few minutes, Mommy asked if I wanted to talk about why I was sad. So, I said to Mommy, "I'm sad because I wish Opa would have never died. I know he has a new healthy body in Heaven now, but I just want him down here alive. I miss him." When I looked at Mommy, she had tears streaming down her face. I didn't mean to make her cry, but I was really sad. It was good to talk about Opa and some fun memories we shared with him. Then, we found the word "Opa" on his headstone, said a little prayer, and came back home to face our reality. It's not always an easy one to face, but our God is good, and He is our strength forever!

We love and miss you, Opa!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

That was just the saddest yet sweetest thing..sending a big hug and lots of prayers!