Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just Brady...

Can you believe that I am almost 2 weeks old? It's sure been so great being at home, playing with my sister, eating, and sleeping. I am growing like a weed!! I had my doctor's appointment today, and I weighed 11 pounds, 14 ounces and I was 23 1/2 inches long...so I am 9 ounces past my birth weight and I have grown 1 1/4 inches...so, needless to say, my measurements are "off the charts." (Well, my head is at 97%, but it's pretty close :)) I am doing great...healthy and happy.
Here are a few pictures from the last few days...
I love sleeping with both arms straight up...that's when I'm really sleeping :)
And, I usually have a hand right by my face while eating and when I first fall asleep!
Havin' some play time!

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