Friday, July 11, 2008

My First Bath

It's time for my first bath (well, my umbilical cord hasn't fallen off yet, so it's my first "sponge" bath at home). I LOVED it!

Here, Daddy is talking to me (my first pep talk) about my bath. Daddy & Mommy also kept my diaper on for most of the bath as they have learned several times already what happens when my diaper is off for too long! :)

One of the only issues about not knowing if I was a boy or a girl was not being able to buy a few things before my birth. So, of course, I just used some of my big sister's things. However, this did present a little problem when taking a bath...I had to use my sister's PINK washcloth. Oh well...I'll never remember that! :)

I sure loved my bath! I was wide awake and excited!

Gotta get those feet...and in between those toes!

Then, to wash my hair, Daddy held me under the kitchen faucet. Daddy & Mommy thought I'd scream, but I was so relaxed and absolutely LOVED it!
Check out my content face! :)
Then, Mommy had a turn to "wash" me.
Of course, taking a bath is exhausting, so after about 5 seconds of "tummy time," I completely wiped out. What a fun bath!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is so cute! I love your blog! You have a beautiful family.