Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Jumping Jellybean!

Hi Everyone ~ Here I am in my "jumperoo." Actually, Mommy's good friend, Mrs. Jodi, let us borrow it for a while...her babies are 2 now, so they don't use it anymore! (Thanks, Mrs. Jodi!!) I love it! I just jump around happily for at least 15 minutes while Mommy gets ready or puts away laundry, etc.
Just jumping around...

Here I am again...with crazy hair (might be hard to see) and my silly grin...Averie at my age would always smile with a big open mouth...I just go as wide as I can from side to side :)

And, another view of my hair...too cool, huh? :)

Have a great week, Everyone. We love you!

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Love the hair and handsome smile!