Monday, April 27, 2009

Going for a bike ride...

Hi Everyone ~ We sure hope you are doing well and enjoying this new season of Spring. We have been having lots of fun...inside on the rainy days and outside on the sunny days! Enjoy the pictures. We love you!
I have been waiting for my chance to ride on my big girl bike (with training wheels) for a few weeks. And, finally, I was able to do it. Daddy took me out there and showed me how, Mommy was there with the digital camera and the video camera, and Brady was there cheering me on. It was so fun!
Daddy first taught me on our walkway from our driveway to our front door.
It didn't take me long...
...before I was smiling...
...and heading out onto the sidewalk.
Daddy & Mommy said I did such a great job pedaling...sometimes, though, I liked to brake too much. But, with Daddy with me (& giving me a few pushes every once in a while), I was doing great!
Daddy went from having a hand on me at all walking beside me... letting me go...all by myself! I had so much fun!
Of course, every time I came in front of our driveway, Brady was there to smile at me... to me...
...blow his lips at me...
...or scream for me!
Once Brady got out of the stroller, he wanted to move around. Of course, the concrete is tough, so this is how he moved around to get to the grass...both feet flat! :)
What a really fun evening for me. I had to BEST time!

Why we LOVE living in North Carolina in April...

This truly is one of the reasons why we LOVE living in North Carolina in April...and, of course, having an Opa & Oma (grandparents) with a heated pool :) We sure had a fun afternoon swimming in the pool with our cousins...and then, enjoying some of Opa's yummy burgers. What a great day!
Brady is all ready for his first swim in Opa & Oma's pool...

He LOVED it!

And, so did I...
This is my cousin, Jackson, and me. We had a lot of fun jumping off the diving board!
My Daddy & me

Just us...

Here are some pictures of us...just hanging out on fun April days!
Brady...enjoying his first day of wearing shorts...

And, now look what Brady can do...he can make it all the way up the stairs. I, of course, sit at the top of the stairs and cheer him on. I also tell him that I am sitting up here to help him from falling. I think I have my direction wrong, but it's the thought that counts, right? :)
Come on, Mommy!
Brady also loves playing with anything that makes noise. (Oh, and thanks Great Uncle Jim & Great Aunt Rose for this great outfit!)

Brady also likes playing with my kitchen. And, usually, I don't mind sharing it with him!
Or sometimes, we play together!
And, this is what our playroom looks like after playing in here all morning...
While Mommy was doing some laundry, I decided to go "read" for a bit. This is how Mommy found me...sitting in Brady's swing and reading a catalog.
Brady Boy ~ 9 months old

What a sweetheart...
...that loves to touch the blinds...
...and still look innocent!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hunting for Eggs

Our playgroup has had an annual Easter egg hunt for 3 years now. This year, it was hosted at Mrs. Holly's house. We had such a fun time! The weather was gorgeous, and we had fun eating pizza outside, playing with our friends, and hunting for eggs.
Here am I...all ready to hunt!
Searching, searching, searching...And, of course...always time for a picture in the middle of it :)
I was able to find about 10 eggs...all filled with candy or stickers!
Here I am now...enjoying some jellybeans. Yummy!

Mommy & me
Brady didn't hunt for eggs this year (next year will be his first), but he sure had fun "hunting" through everyone's baskets and taking their eggs. He didn't eat what was in them...he just wanted to grab them!
Trying to get a hold of the matter where they were...
...and no matter how hard it was to get to it, he found a way!
So after the candy was out of the eggs, we all gave Brady some eggs to play with...
...he loved it!
The Egg Hunting Gang (most of them, at least!)...what a fun morning!