Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hunting for Eggs

Our playgroup has had an annual Easter egg hunt for 3 years now. This year, it was hosted at Mrs. Holly's house. We had such a fun time! The weather was gorgeous, and we had fun eating pizza outside, playing with our friends, and hunting for eggs.
Here am I...all ready to hunt!
Searching, searching, searching...And, of course...always time for a picture in the middle of it :)
I was able to find about 10 eggs...all filled with candy or stickers!
Here I am now...enjoying some jellybeans. Yummy!

Mommy & me
Brady didn't hunt for eggs this year (next year will be his first), but he sure had fun "hunting" through everyone's baskets and taking their eggs. He didn't eat what was in them...he just wanted to grab them!
Trying to get a hold of the matter where they were...
...and no matter how hard it was to get to it, he found a way!
So after the candy was out of the eggs, we all gave Brady some eggs to play with...
...he loved it!
The Egg Hunting Gang (most of them, at least!)...what a fun morning!

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